The Project – Evolutions

The THERMODDEM database has evolved and now intends to cover fields beyond waste materials only

The database can also apply to:

The selection of aqueous, mineral and gases has been periodically updated (now including Fe, Ni, As, Hg). Cement material were added, together with clay minerals and zeolites.

The transfer of information from the management tool to the web site was simplified and improved (XML based exchange files).

Kinetic rate laws, surface complexation and cation exchange reactions have been added, consistently with the main body of thermodynamic data to extend the range of applications.

The Thermoddem database can also be used for:
 - dealing with contexts out of the H2O L-V conditions, including capillary systems that take place in unsaturated porous media (Thermo-ZNS, Lassin et al. 2005).
 - achieving consistency (continuum) with saline systems (Blanc et al. 2012).

Dernière mise à jour le 18.12.2017