
Formula : Ca0.185K0.104(Si3.574Al0.426)(Al1.812Mg0.090Fe0.112)O10(OH)2

Space group: 
Monoclinic - Prismatic HM symbol (2/m) Space Group: C 2/m
Dana class: 
71.3.1b.2VIII- 71 Phyllosilicate Minerals ; 71.3 Phyllosilicates Phyllosilicate Sheets of Six-Membered Rings with 2:1 clays ; 71.3.1b Smectite group (Trioctahedral Smectites)
High temperature: 
Low temperature mineral. At higher temperatures(> 500C), detachment of (OH) ions takes place.
Geological context: 
Montmorillonite and beidellite are the principal constituents of bentonite clay deposits. Montmorillonite results from the weathering of basic rocks mainly in conditionsof poordrainage when magnesium is not removed.

Dernière mise à jour le 25.01.2021


Individual properties (298.15 K)
374.694 137.980 (Ref.: 12gai/bla) Gailhanou, H., Blanc, P., Rogez, J., Mikaelian, G., Kawaji, H., Olives, J., Amouric, M., Denoyel, R., S., B., Montouillout, V., Vieillard, P., Fialips, C. I., Giffaut, E., Michau, N., and Gaucher, E. C., 2012, Thermodynamic properties of illite IMt-2, smectite MX-80 and beidellite SBld-1 by calorimetric methods: Enthalpies of formation, heat capacities , entropies and Gibbs free energies of formation. : Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, v. 89, p. 279-301. -5357229 (Ref.: Internal calculation) -5720690 (Ref.: 12gai/bla) Gailhanou, H., Blanc, P., Rogez, J., Mikaelian, G., Kawaji, H., Olives, J., Amouric, M., Denoyel, R., S., B., Montouillout, V., Vieillard, P., Fialips, C. I., Giffaut, E., Michau, N., and Gaucher, E. C., 2012, Thermodynamic properties of illite IMt-2, smectite MX-80 and beidellite SBld-1 by calorimetric methods: Enthalpies of formation, heat capacities , entropies and Gibbs free energies of formation. : Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, v. 89, p. 279-301. 293.520 (Ref.: 12gai/bla) Gailhanou, H., Blanc, P., Rogez, J., Mikaelian, G., Kawaji, H., Olives, J., Amouric, M., Denoyel, R., S., B., Montouillout, V., Vieillard, P., Fialips, C. I., Giffaut, E., Michau, N., and Gaucher, E. C., 2012, Thermodynamic properties of illite IMt-2, smectite MX-80 and beidellite SBld-1 by calorimetric methods: Enthalpies of formation, heat capacities , entropies and Gibbs free energies of formation. : Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, v. 89, p. 279-301. 318.50 (Ref.: 12gai/bla) Gailhanou, H., Blanc, P., Rogez, J., Mikaelian, G., Kawaji, H., Olives, J., Amouric, M., Denoyel, R., S., B., Montouillout, V., Vieillard, P., Fialips, C. I., Giffaut, E., Michau, N., and Gaucher, E. C., 2012, Thermodynamic properties of illite IMt-2, smectite MX-80 and beidellite SBld-1 by calorimetric methods: Enthalpies of formation, heat capacities , entropies and Gibbs free energies of formation. : Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, v. 89, p. 279-301.
T(°C) 0 25 60 100 150 200 250 300
log10K 10.90 7.60 3.50 -0.40 -4.37 -7.71 -10.70 -13.60