
Formula : Fe3SiAlO5(OH)4

Space group: 
Trigonal - Ditrigonal Pyramidal H-M Symbol (3m) Space Group: P 31m
Dana class: 
71.1.2c.7 (71) Phyllosilicate Sheets of Six-Membered Rings (71.1) with 1:1 layers (71.1.2c) Serpentine group (Amesite subgroup)
High temperature: 
Cronstedtite is stable at low temperature in iron-rich medium.
Geological context: 
A low-temperature hydrothermal product in ore veins.

Dernière mise à jour le 25.01.2021


Individual properties (298.15 K)
T(°C) 0 25 60 100 150 200 250 300
log10K 108.44 96.64 83.03 70.60 58.32 48.51 40.30 33.12