
Formula : Ca3Al2(SiO4)1(OH)8

Space group: 
Isometric - Hexoctahedral HM symbol (4/m -3 2/m) Space Group: I a3d
Dana class: 
51.4.3d.2VIII- 51 Nesosilicate Minerals ; 51.4 Nesosilicates Nesosilicate Insular SiO4 Groups Only with cations in [6] and >[6] coordination ; 51.4.3d Garnet group (Hydrogarnet)
High temperature: 
Described with the cement phases the stability of Katoite at low temperature cannot be dismissed.
Geological context: 
Katoite is an hydrogarnet.

Dernière mise à jour le 25.01.2021


Reaction properties

KatoiteSi1 + 12H+ ⇌ 2Al+3 + 3Ca+2 + H4SiO4 + 8H2O

298.15 K, 1 bar log10K: 71.17 ΔH°r:-543405 J·mol-1 (Ref.: Internal calculation)
T(°C) 0 25 60 100 150 200 250 300
log10K 79.85 71.17 61.16 52.03 43.02 35.76 29.60 24.04