
Formula : (Ca2Mg5)Si8O22(OH)2

Space group: 
Monoclinic - Prismatic H-M Symbol (2/m) Space Group: C 2/m
Dana class: 
66.1.3a.1 (66) Inosilicate Double-Width Unbranched Chains, W=2(66.1) Dana Type (66.1.3a) Group 2, the calcic amphiboles
High temperature: 
Tremolite stability domain ranges between 400C to 500C, it depends strongly on CO2 fugacity.
Geological context: 
From contact metamorphism of Ca-Mg siliceous sediments; in greenschist facies metamorphics derived from ultramafic or magnesium carbonate rocks.

Dernière mise à jour le 25.01.2021


T(°C) 0 25 60 100 150 200 250 300
log10K 75.04 67.28 57.87 49.19 40.65 33.84 28.04 22.68