
Formula : (Ca2Fe5)Si8O22(OH)2

Space group: 
See tremolite
Dana class: 
See tremolite
High temperature: 
"High" temperature mineral, its stability uper limit about 900C depends on aH2O,aCO2 and also Xfe.
Geological context: 
metamorphism MT of mafic rocks

Dernière mise à jour le 25.01.2021


Reaction properties

Ferrotremolite + 14H+ + 8H2O ⇌ 2Ca+2 + 5Fe+2 + 8H4SiO4

298.15 K, 1 bar log10K: 53.70 ΔH°r:-412225 J·mol-1 (Ref.: Internal calculation)
T(°C) 0 25 60 100 150 200 250 300
log10K 60.00 53.70 45.91 38.62 31.37 25.49 20.39 15.57