
Formula : Na1.04Al1.04Si1.96O6:2.27H2O

Space group: 
Orthorhombic - Dipyramidal HM symbol (2/m 2/m 2/m) Space Group: I mmm
Dana class: 77 Tektosilicates Tectosilicate Zeolite group ; 77.1 Tektosilicates Tectosilicate Zeolite group true zeolites ; 77.1.3 Gismondine and related species
High temperature: 
The structure of zeolite are very responsive in temperature and/or water-vapor pressure. Some "robust" zeolites can be heated to high temperatures and can be completely dehydrated while maintaining their original structure.
Geological context: 
Zeolite occurs in a wide range of environments as macroscopic and microscopic crystals. Sedimentary-metamorphic- hydrothermally altered rocks, hydrologic systems, soil environments, gas reservoirs. Occur also as alteration product of cementious materials.

Dernière mise à jour le 25.01.2021


Reaction properties

Merlinoite(Na) + 4.16H+ ⇌ 1.04Al+3 + 1.04Na+ + 1.96H4SiO4 + 0.43H2O

T(°C) 0 25 60 100 150 200 250 300
log10K 12.00 10.30 8.22 6.29 4.40 2.89 1.60 0.39