
Formula : Mg3Al2Si3O12

Space group: 
Isometric - Hexoctahedral H-M Symbol (4/m 3 2/m) Space Group: I a3d
Dana class: 
51.4.3a.1 (51) Nesosilicate Insular SiO4 Groups Only (51.4) with cations in [6] and >[6] coordination (51.4.3a) Garnet group (Pyralspite series)
High temperature: 
Stability of pyrope is above 650C.
Geological context: 
Occurs in high-grade metamorphic ultramafic rocks, as peridotites, kimberlites, eclogites, serpentinites, and in "hornblende"-garnet-plagioclase rocks and anorthosites. Also in amphibole and biotite schists.

Dernière mise à jour le 25.01.2021


Individual properties (298.15 K)
T(°C) 0 25 60 100 150 200 250 300
log10K 67.92 58.93 48.36 38.63 28.94 21.07 14.34 8.22