
Formula : Na2SO4

Space group: 
Orthorhombic - Dipyramidal HM symbol (2/m 2/m 2/m) Space Group: F ddd
Dana class: 28 Sulfate Minerals ; 28.2 Anhydrous Acid and Sulfates (A+)2 XO4 ; 28.2.2
High temperature: 
Supergene arid environments and chemical processes.
Geological context: 
Occurs as non-marine evaporite deposits in arid climates and alteration of alkali-ignous rocks protected from water; as oxidation product from slags from alkaline smelting.

Dernière mise à jour le 25.01.2021


T(°C) 0 25 60 100 150 200 250 300
log10K -0.37 -0.34 -0.47 -0.74 -1.21 -1.82 -2.61 -3.74